
We offer a variety of web design plans to suit your needs. Couple your design with hosting to save more money. Each package offers several options in design format: HTML, Word Press, and eCommerce. We can help you decide on the right type of website for your personal and business needs.

Us versus “Them”

Today’s do it yourself markets allow you to create and maintain your own website. There are companies that offer limited assistance but free hosting to create your own presence on the internet. But if you want a unique design or you just need help, we can build your website for you.

We know the benefits of using a company like Wix© and it’s limitations such as functionality or templates that have to be modified to get the look you want. The use of sub domains (i.e. may not present the best option to get your new business it’s own placement on the internet.

Wix© for example, may allow you to create your website through their control panel. What they do not tell you, in plain English, is what’s being included in the hidden background of your site. Their service is “free” to you, this is true. They make their money through big market advertising which has a trail of breadcrumbs woven throughout each page of the site you create. Along with that will be various snippets permitted legally by you once you have accepted their terms of service.

Free Website Building Companies

We never ask a potential client to take our word for things without being able to provide proof. It’s always in your best interest to do your research before selecting a company to represent your website. Below is a small list of companies that you can build your own website with:

Wix© Network Solutions© Site123©

Web hosting and design consultations are always free. After the required discussions have taken place, you, as the potential client, will receive a quote before any work commences.

Web Design mobile view sample
Mobile version of Web Design

All design packages require our clients to sign a Web Design Agreement.
Payment arrangements are available.

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