A list of our most commonly asked questions has been compiled below. Unable to find answers you need? Please contact us directly.

Q. Does remote assistance cover a PC and a MAC?

A. Yes. As long as an internet connection is available.

Q.  I’ve lost my service receipt from your company. How can I get a replacement copy?

A. All customers have an online archive of all documentation pertaining to the services performed. If you have not already created a login account we invite you to do so by going to the top menu and selecting the Log In link. Once your account has been created we will link it to your respective documents. Please note some documents will require specific software to view them such as Acrobat Reader. However if the matter is urgent please contact us directly to receive a replacement copy via E-mail or fax.

Q. Do you charge setup fees for web hosting accounts?

A.  No we do not charge fees to setup your hosting account.

Q.  What methods of payment do you accept?

A.  Today’s modern technology allows us to accept electronic payments through many formats. Personal checks are not accepted for new clients. Small business or corporate checks are acceptable.

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